- London-based photographer Sophie Harris-Taylor has created an exhibit that celebrates the beauty of real skin.
- “Epidermis” features the portraits of 20 women with conditions ranging from severe cystic acne and rosacea to eczema and mild scarring.
- Harris-Taylor, who struggled with severe acne throughout her teens and 20s, told Insider that she was inspired to create the series after noticing a lack of skin representation in media.
- Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.
From filters to Facetune, the illusion of picture-perfect skin can now be achieved with just a few swipes and clicks from our fingertips.
But London-based photographer Sophie Harris-Taylor is on a mission to show the beauty of real skin, and everything that comes with it.
“Epidermis,” Harris-Taylor’s powerful photo series, features the portraits of 20 makeup-free women with various skin conditions ranging from severe cystic acne and rosacea to eczema and mild inflammation.
Insider spoke to Harris-Taylor about the inspiration behind “Epidermis,” the skin positivity movement, and how her exhibit is already changing lives.
Sophie Harris-Taylor, 31, had "quite severe acne" through her teens and 20s.
"At the time it made me feel quite badly," the photographer told Insider. "I was lacking in self-confidence and, back then, there wasn't this world of social media. All that you saw were magazines and films, and everyone had perfect skin."
And, at the time, acne felt "quite taboo," Harris-Taylor added.
"You wouldn't really talk about it with people," she said. "I think people felt uncomfortable asking about it, and I felt like I couldn't bring it up. It was always the elephant in the room."
Harris-Taylor's skin eventually cleared up after she went on three rounds of Accutane, an oral medication that treats severe cystic acne.
"I don't have acne anymore, but I also don't have flawless skin," she said. "I've been left with scars and I have flare-ups."
Even as social media ushered in a new era of body positivity, Harris-Taylor noticed that little was changing when it came to skin.
While brands were being hailed for celebrating their models' stretch marks, Harris-Taylor said she wondered why everyone's skin still had to be perfect in fashion ads.
"There still seemed to be a lack of skin representation," she said. "It felt like skin was still always made to look flawless."
And Harris-Taylor noticed that the filters on her social media apps were only adding to this illusion.
"I had a picture of my baby open on my phone, and I clicked on the bunny ears that came up on my Instagram," she said. "Not only did it give him the bunny ears, but it made his skin even more plastic - and he's got really smooth skin, he's a one-year-old," she added.
Harris-Taylor also realized that while body positivity was being embraced, many women still didn't have the confidence to be bare-faced.
"With skin, you can just cover it up with makeup and people won't know if you've got loads of rosacea or scarring," she said. "A lot of people are hiding behind masks of makeup."
Harris-Taylor decided to create a series that celebrates skin and all of its "beautiful imperfections."
"I wanted to make an honest representation of skin," she said. "And it was important to me that I photograph a range of people, not just women with severe acne and rosacea, but a combination of mild scarring to moderate and severe."
"I wanted to celebrate skin," she added. "These are normal women with normal skin conditions that are much more common than we think."
Harris-Taylor used social media to find most of the women. She found some who were already talking about skin positivity, and others who wanted to challenge themselves.
"Some people were already sharing their Accutane diaries and journals, and other people were really self-conscious and wanted to feel liberated," she said.
Some of the women who reached out to Harris-Taylor told her they had never left the house without makeup before.
"They came to my studio with loads of makeup, and only felt comfortable taking it off once we started doing the photographs," she recalled.
Harris-Taylor said she was able to connect with all of the women quite quickly because they "had this common ground."
"It was personal and really refreshing," she said. "We could talk about how we felt and what impact acne had on us. Even though they felt quite vulnerable, they had that understanding that I had been through it."
One woman with severe cystic acne felt so empowered by the photo shoot that she let her mother see her without makeup for the first time in years.
Harris-Taylor saw the woman again during a private viewing of her exhibit in London, after the images had started to go viral on social media.
"People were saying how beautiful it was, and she could see the response people were having," Harris-Taylor said. "She kept coming up to me and saying, 'You don't know how much you've changed my life.'"
Harris-Taylor said the reaction to her exhibit has been "far better than I could have ever really hoped for."
"The reactions and the emails and the messages from individual people that are suffering have meant the most," she said.
"I'm not just affecting the people in the photographs. More people can relate to them and see themselves in them, and feel they can share their story with me."
Harris-Taylor said the collection also showed her how self-critical humans can be.
"I think I've realized that we all see ourselves a lot worse than we actually are," she said. "When I was casting, there were people that came to me and told me they had quite severe acne. But when I met them or did their photos, I couldn't see anything."
"I think we have the worst perception of ourselves," she added.
Harris-Taylor said she hopes her photos will change the stigma surrounding skin conditions.
The photographer noted how there's still a common misconception that acne is only the result of a bad diet or poor hygiene.
"With skin, it's not always down to diet and that kind of stuff," she said. "It's so different for everyone. Some people say 'Oh if you go vegan, your skin will improve,' but there's not just one solution."
And Harris-Taylor hopes medical professionals will start taking skin more seriously as well.
"We still think about it as a teenage thing that will just go away, there's still that old-fashioned view," she said. "A lot of adults are still affected by it, and many doctors don't understand how much it can impact their mental health."
"Acne can hurt but it doesn't harm you physically, and I think that's why it's not taken as seriously. But I think it can have a real detrimental mental effect."
Harris-Taylor hopes her pictures will highlight a range of skin types, as well as destigmatize normal skin conditions.
"I hope they will open the conversation more, and allow people to talk about it and be confident in their own skin - or at least comfortable with knowing that they're not the only one," she said. "Maybe in time that will trickle more to media and the advertising world."
"I'd like it to not just be a phase," she added. "But a shift."